VE Day 80

Come together to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Victory in Europe with all of us at RBLI!

All Products in this collection have been made or fulfilled by veterans employed by Britain's Bravest Manufacturing Company in Kent.

100% of the proceeds go towards RBLI's mission of supporting veterans and those with disabilities.

Celebrating 80 Years Since Victory in Europe

Victory in Europe Day is generally known as VE Day in the UK and is a day celebrating the formal acceptance of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces on 8th May 1945. It was reported that Adolf Hitler, the Nazi leader, had committed suicide on 30th April and during the Battle of Berlin, Germany's surrender was authorised by Adolf Hitler's successor, Reichspräsident Karl Donitz. The act of military surrender was first signed at 02:41 on 7th May in SHAEF HQ at Reims and a slightly modified document was signed on 8th May in Berlin.